I kept crying this morning from gratitude ...

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… receiving this feedback from one of the participants from the breathwork journey.


I feel grateful for keep going no matter what happens in my life. Aaron and I started doing them together in July 2017 with 6 people and kept doing them ever since even though we broke up. Now we have groups of 20-25 people. Consistency really is everything. 


I feel grateful for keep pushing through the fear of speaking infront of people, fear of fucking up, fear of being judged. From the outside, I look all good and confident but inside sometimes, it’s a whole different story.
I feel grateful to finally have come to a place where I feel I can be myself and have fun. Then it becomes effortless. These workshops are never about me. It’s about the journey people go onto individually, that’s why they’re very empowering. You do your own healing and find your own answers.
I feel grateful to have people who keep showing up, never done breathwork before and they grew into loving it no matter how painful it can get. And I feel grateful to be able to see how much people change even in two journeys sometimes.
That’s me today. Happy new moon!
Enjoy this beautiful sun today 💛
Love you 🌹