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I hear this a lot, ‘just be you’. I say it a lot too actually 😃 


But how can you actually just be yourself?


Being yourself sometimes can be the hardest thing to be. You might feel you need to control yourself, you’re not allowed to be yourself, that’s just too risky.


You might feel you need to be a certain way to receive love. You can’t rock the boat or create too much conflict, you need to do what you’re told and be a good girl/boy.


Or you might feel you have to accommodate poeple and make sure they’re not uncomfortable. So you prefer to keep the peace and sacrifice being you once again for the sake of keeping everyone happy.


So what do you do?


You sacrifice being yourself in order to be in control, in order to receive love and in order to keep everyone happy. 


The truth is by controlling yourself, you loose touch with your true self and when it comes to being yourself you might be clueless in what that feels like.


And when you do receive love, you’re receiving that love to the masked version of you. Still you feel unloved because it’s not you they’re loving, it’s the rundown version of you. And still, everyone’s not happy, it’s never enough.


And when you make other people uncomfortable when you’re yourself, you’re just showing them something they’ve been avoiding and they don’t like facing it. You’re actually serving them.



I’m great at being a chameleon. I enter a room, scan the energy of the people, listen to the words they use, the way they move and quickly calculate how I should be there to not create too much of a contrast. I used to do this a lot to fit in. Now I do it to connect with people and really feel and see who they are, not to change my way of being around them. And I still fall back into it some days. I catch myself saying things I wouldn’t normally say and go, ‘who dis?’ and come back to myself 😃


Two weeks ago at Boom festival, there was a woman I was dancing with for a bit. In the end she came up to me saying, ‘You’re so powerful and beautiful. You have so much strength. You activated something in me. I’m going to do my best to pass it on. Thank you so much. ’ 


I had to have her repeat it to me as I wasn’t sure how she got all of that by me just dancing around. Then again, I saw it. By your way of being, by just being you, you can show people so much without even trying.


Here are few ways to come back to yourself when you’re loosing touch with being yourself:

- Close your eyes, take a deep breath.

- As you exhale imagine you’re sending off anything that’s not you, all the beliefs, energies people might have put on you.

- As you inhale, imagine you’re gathering back all your energy, power you mught have given to people. Imagine you’re becoming whole as you inhale, feeling whole and complete.

- Ask yourself, ‘What would I do in this moment, if no one I knew existed?’ ‘Who would I love to be?’

- Go and do that, be that.


When you see someone who are themselves unapologetically, they don’t have to explain you who they are. You just know it, feel it from their way of being. 


I haven’t mastered this btw. I have days where I’m being me and loving who I am. Then I have days I doubt if I should wear my feather earrings to that formal dinner. But then I do 😉


What do you celebrate, love or honour about yourself? 


Comment below, let’s celebrate our uniqueness 💃🏽


Loads of love to you all 💛✨
