My friend Nathalie is here in London!



One of my closest friends Nathalie went to Croatia a year ago to follow her heart to create a retreat/home holding embodiment retreats. She ended up traveling to Australia, Spain, Texas, Peru and New York after Croatia 😃


She inspires me with her courage and her determination to cope with the lack of routine 😂 I love routines and having a clean and organised home. I couldn’t do what she did for a year, would probably go crazy. She loves routines too so I admire her for what she’s done.
She’s staying with me this week then off to Australia to move in with her boyfriend and continue with her projects ❤️
I want to share how we met and got close as I’m super grateful to have her in my life. So we met 2-3 years ago at ecstatic dancing, started talking about tantra and I added her as ‘Nathalie Tantra’ on my phone, to this day she’s still Nathalie Tantra on my phone and in my life 🙏🏼
We bumped into each other few times at ecstatic dancing and each time I asked her when she is starting her dance group. I was geniune, she’s really good. She got super uncomfortable each time I asked 😃 Anyway we met up for a coffee one day. I felt a strong pull to ask if she wanted to meetup with me and dance every week (we’re not close by this point) she was a bit shocked but said ‘yes’.
We started dancing in her kitchen followed by deep conversations and eating on the floor. We laughed, cried, had so much fun, filmed ourselves. Sometimes Adam joined us 🐵 We moved with one another with blindfolds on, learnt to surrender and trust again.
During this time we both started training as life coaches (Nov 2016) at the same time in Animas Coaching and now here we are, both graduated in a whole new chapter in our lives.
We went to 5rhythms last night and on Sunday we’re going to picnic gathering our coaching school is organising ✨
I am grateful to have very few but deep friendships like this one where no matter how far you go without talking for weeks, when you come back together the connection’s always there and deeper.
Love you Nathalie so much 💛