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This topic has been coming up for weeks now, today being the Valentine's Day, I thought its a good day to write about self love 😍


You're the most important person in your life. The better you take care of yourself, the happier you'll feel, the better you'll help, serve, give others.


Loving yourself can be a challenge when you have parts of you that you don't love. You see all parts of yourself that are incomplete, dark, messy, not lovable, not good enough.


But actually, you're not meant to be perfect and sorted. You're meant to be as human as you can. And love yourself as much as you can with all those parts that you can't accept and love.


So how do you love yourself?


You give yourself what you need. You listen to your body, to yourself and prioritise what you need. "You do you" as one of my clients says.


When you do that, you might have guilt coming up. How can you prioritise yourself and chill when you have a 3 year old needing your attention? When you take care of yourself, your little one will see what self-love looks like, feels like and you'll be more present with them more than ever.


Or you might have shame coming up. Who do you think you are? How can you love yourself when you messed up? Notice the shame, talk to it, feel it, let it know its ok and let it go.


Because when you prioritise yourself, you don't expect other people to give you love. You don't resent them for not fulfilling an expectation that they were not even aware of.


You can hold yourself, hug, caress yourself, seduce yourself without needing someone to do that for you. If they do, that's great. If they don't, that's great too, because you don't feel lonely or desperate anymore by the lack of it. And its exactly that energy that attracts more love.


Here are ways to be loving towards yourself:

- Think about where you were 2 years ago. Think about where you are now. Write down all your achievements (including non tangible ones: your patience, courage, working on yourself, building family, creating relationship, enjoying yourself, self growth etc) Celebrate them!

- Next time you want to say no, but you feel like saying yes not to cause conflict; take a step back, breathe, close your eyes and ask yourself what you want, do that.

- When you had a long day at work, in the evening allow yourself to rest properly, could be bath with no phone, walk in woods, journaling, reading etc. (TV is not rest, its stimulation.)


If you learn to be happy on your own, to enjoy your own company, you never have to settle down for less than what you desire in a partner or in a friend. 


Someone shared with me she hugged herself after breathwork I held and she meant it. It moved me, seeing someone geniunely hugging herself feeling love for themselves. Later on the same day, I felt so much joy, I was kissing my arms, hugging myself and geniunely feeling, meaning it 💜 


How do you show yourself love? What do you do just for yourself, no one else? 


Love you 💛
