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I emerged from my period tent 💫


I like having few days off from sharing on social media. I’m either busy with sessions, either on my period, going inwards to feel and process something fully or just resting for no reason. Then I always come back feeling refreshed, rested and grounded.
Right now, I’m here in this little secret garden I found in Clerkenwell, journaling and centring myself. I feel like if I don’t journal every few days, my mind doesn’t register to what happened in those past days, I literally forget 😃 So journaling is a necessity for me to function at my best really 🗝
I felt so blessed to have found this garden cafe here and I remembered a similar feeling I had a week ago.
It was right after a Goddess Circle workshop I gave. The workshop went amazing despite the speakers gave up halfway through. Then I went to Pret, sat down with my avocado brie toast. As I had the first bite, I started crying. I felt like I didn’t need anything else in that moment. I felt so content, so happy. It was one of those moments where if I died, I’d be complete, I’d be completely happy with what I did here. I’m going to create more obviously but it was a rare moment where I didn’t feel I could’ve done this, done that etc. I felt proud of the life I created so far.
Then I started listing things that I’m grateful for in my life. I don’t have a gratitude journal or anything, but when I feel a moment of bliss, happiness, joy etc, I take a moment to put my hand on my heart and to feel it fully. Then I feel into other things in my life that make me feel this way. It feels like a love bubble surrounding me and getting bigger and bigger ❤️
I love finding happiness in the little things as well as the big things. I’m feeling like that’s reaching a new level. It’s like my capacity to feel is expanding. I have incredible, in flow, aligned as fuck days where I go, ‘finally I’m back in my flow’ followed by a super scary, messy day where I feel like I’m loosing my shit. And I’m learning to accept the non linear style of life and complexity of human emotions 😃
I’ve been receiving a constant flow of messages full of love and support since my dad died and I’m so grateful for all of them. Thank you all! I’m taking screenshots of it all to read again if I feel lonely or seperate 😉✨
Wishing you a gorgeous rest of the day 😘❤️
Love you 🌻