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I've been reading "Maps to Ecstasy" by Gabrielle Roth, the creator of 5rhythms. She talks about 5 emotions that move into one another as you allow yourself to feel.


Over the next few days, I'll write about these emotions: Fear, anger, sadness, joy, compassion 💛


So fear 🙈


Fear can be paralysing. Your breathing becomes shallow. You stand there for ages, overthinking stuff because of fear 😃


You might feel frustrated when fear takes over you. You might feel like you don't know what to do, other people know. So you ask other people what to do. The ones that look like they never get scared 😉


You can loose sight in where you want to go. You might feel unsafe, alone and in danger. It can feel stressful. And it becomes a matter of surviving, you aim for the bare minimum to make sure you're safe.


But in truth, fear can be healthy. It's useful to be scared when you're crossing the road and a car is driving towards you, you're able to protect yourself, act quick thanks to that.


It's also a good sign. It shows that you're growing, you're evolving. Doing things you've never done before 😉💙


You can see fear like a nosy obsessed perfectionist. It wants to assess every single situation even when you don't need them to do that. And they like to go everywhere. Makes you imagine every single thing that can go wrong even if none of them ever happened to you before.


So how do you get out of that fearful state?


You acknowledge what its trying to do. And you make a choice in where to direct your focus to.


Next time you're scared of something, you feel paralysed, follow these steps:

- Close your eyes.

- Breathe into your body.

- Feel that fear. Stay with it.

- Ask, what is it telling you to do?

- Imagine you're lifting yourself out from that fear, floating above it. See a huge golden ball of light washing all over your body from your head to toes.

- Imagine the situation unfolding exactly how you want it to unfold.

- Ask, if you could describe that feeling in one word, what would that be?

- Say its freedom, love. Hold that at the forefront of your mind.

- When you're in that situation remember that, tell that to yourself.


When you see what fear is trying to do, it doesn't have power or control over you. You get to choose. Fear can still be there. You don't have to try to eliminate fear completely until you take action. You can still feel it but act from the truth, from freedom, or whatever it is.


You don't have to do or be anything, you can just be yourself. Other person doesn't have to like you for you to have what you want. You can just ask and have it.


What are the ways you found that help you not buying into fear? Would love to hear ✨


Love you 💜
