A reminder for you ❤️

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This is my notebook's cover. I usually buy my notebooks in orange, pink or some other bright colours, never in black. When I saw this one, I felt so drawn towards it though.


Few weeks in having it, I'm seeing more and more the importance of just sitting with your shadow, parts you feel you can't share with others.
No matter how you're feeling, how depressed, low, fearful or whatever you're feeling right now, its ok. You're allowed to feel that way, allow it to be there, see them and let it go in its own time. Each emotion goes away when they're seen and felt fully.
Reach out to someone and share, you can share with me if you like to 💛 There's something powerful about just sitting with someone without needing to give them the answer, do coaching, healing or whatever. Sometimes its all you need, to be seen.
You might feel like those uncomfortable depressing, restricting feelings shouldn't exist. But actually if you're seen and loved in those places, then you feel loved as a whole 😍
Massive thank you to all the gorgeous ladies joined me last night at the Goddess Circle. I will always do these evenings where women feel seen ❤️ Tonita Hallam Daisie Wilson Sara Nesti Gemma Le Conte Carina Bidese Lena Magdalena
Loads of love to you 💜