
Crying can be so healing and healthy 💙


Growing up, maybe crying was shamed in your house or amongst your friends. You might have felt that it’s not ok to cry, it’s a sign of weakness. Or you might have judged others for crying in public.
I cry a lot. I cry from feeling loss and grief. I cry from feeling grateful. I cry from being premenstrual and on my period as women are more connected to their emotions around this time.
Crying doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It’s the mind that thinks something’s wrong. You’re a human, you’re meant to feel and cry. It’s your body’s natural release.
Sometimes anger can be a way of escaping feeling sad. When you sit with yourself and observe the anger, you might find sadness underneath it. And I promise you, if you feel that sadness fully, you will feel freer and lighter afterwards 🙏🏼
It’s also important how we are with others when they cry. If someone’s crying infront of you, it can feel almost automatic to rub their back, give tissues, give them a hug etc. You just have good intentions and don’t want to see your loved ones suffer, right? Even though, it comes from deep love and care, this might actually stop them from processing their emotions.
Maybe they don’t want any fixing in that moment. Maybe they just want to cry, to be seen and heard. Trust their ability to go through their emotions and trust your ability to hold that for them with your presence and love. When you feel the energy naturally shift and settle, feel free to offer a hug ❤️
I went to Vivek’s satsang few weeks ago. He was saying how emotions are not yours, welcome them with love. They’re just moving through you. I love this. When you see they’re not yours and there’s nothing wrong with you, you can move through those emotions with surrender ✨
Here are few steps to allow yourself to feel or to cry properly:
- Give yourself 10-20 minutes uninterrupted time where you give yourself permission to feel or cry.
- Close your eyes, take 5 deep breaths.
- Allow your emotion, whatever it might be sadness, grief, loss etc to be there.
- If you feel tears want to come, let them come. Don’t hold back. If you tend to cry silently or hold your breath with every sob, make a sound “aaa” to help the release.
- Put your hand on your heart, imagine sending compassion to yourself. You got yourself, you’re not alone.
Here’s a playlist I put together and used a lot last year around the time my dad passed away. I would literally give myself 30 min time to cry in between work wherever I could. May it supports you in releasing any emotions ❤️
Whatever you’re going through, know that it’s passing with every breath and tear. You’ll come out from the other side thinking “That was hard but I’m grateful, it made me who I am today.”
If you need support, just reach out to me 😘
How is your relationship with crying? Would love to hear 🙏🏼
Love you 💛