
Every end is a beginning of something new. Everything has a rhythm, a flow in it. The flow between two polarities. Day starts, day ends. Then night starts and night ends.


Something ending is not a bad thing, its not a good thing either. It just means that it finished its course and now its time to move onto something else with the lesson you learnt.
You might hold onto something amazing happened, but you don't know what's about to happen after that. By letting it go, you're creating an empty space to invite something even better into your life. That void will be filled.
As you grow and change, the old ways will fall apart. People will naturally dissolve out of your life, you will not be interested in same things that you loved. It's inevitable, nature is accommodating your new level, taking what you no longer need and bringing what you need.
That in between stage can feel a bit weird in the beginning, know that things will ground and you'll have new foundations.
The more fluid you are, the more adaptable you'll be with those changes. You'll just flow with life. But when you block and try to hold on to what you have, nothing flows, you're just blocking nature. As you resist less and surrender more, you'll see how easy things can be.
It's like taking a bath in the same water over and over again. That's not nice 😃 You need to fill it up, empty it then fill it up again next time. Then water flows and you flow, you embrace the changes of life.
So here are few things you can do when you fear beginnings and endings:
- Notice what you are scared of loosing, remind yourself what's most important for you.
- Notice what your mind is telling you, question if that's real.
- Notice what your body and heart is telling you (to do this, close your eyes and imagine diving into your heart and ask 'what do i need to know?')
- Close your eyes after diving into your heart, ask for guidance on your next step in this change, it will come.
How do you feel about endings and new beginnings, change? Do you fear it or do you love it? 🙌🏼 Let me know in the comments 💛💫
Much love to you 💚✨