allow yourself to receive.jpg


"Life is hard."


You might believe you have to push through life to get what you want, that it is a struggle and that is the way it is..
What if it's not meant to be hard? What if you're meant to flow, you're meant to have loads of joy, love and abundance?
Receiving is as important as giving. Allowing things to come to you naturally.. You might push things and believe that's the way to get things done. That's fine, but I'm saying there's another way.
You have to open up your heart fully and receive all that is waiting for you. It's ok to open up your heart to its full capacity so that love can enter.. You might get scared that people will hurt you but when you're closing your heart, you're closing yourself to all the beauty that is out there as well..
It doesn't just effect love, it effects everything. Your ability to receive love will be the same ability of receiving money, receiving joy, receiving support.. They are all forms of love.
I'm learning loads about this at the moment. I have no problem with giving love or support freely because if I have the answer to someone's problem, its selfish not to give it.. But when it comes to receiving, there are layers I'm working through at the moment πŸ˜ƒ
Each time I open up my heart more to receive, something external happens right away. A new client appears.. A friend contacts me appreciating and giving me love out of the blue.. I get a compliment from someone I haven't met before.. And I get a free coconut bite from Pret πŸ˜‚
When you're in that vibration of allowing and receiving love, people will naturally want to give you stuff for free. It's inevitable.
Next time you feel like you have to push through rather than allowing, try these out:
- Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
- Notice what your mind is telling you, usually its the impulse or urge to do something.
- Ask 'will this benefit me or will it lead to burn out?'
- Imagine the attachment to that idea is dissolving
- Have a look at where you are and what you want to do next.
Have a beautiful rest of the weekend πŸ˜β˜€οΈ
Love you πŸ’› Receive it, hehe πŸ˜‰