Here’s me with my intense face getting passionate during my talk today 😂


I joined Athena Network last year in November. You can volunteer to give a talk. So today, I talked about how to stay focused on your vision and lead a short meditation.


I was super nervous before starting. I remembered what my friend who speaks for a living told me, “You always get nervous. I’ve been doing this for years, I still get nervous.”
I also saw something else. I get nervous because I’m being me, I’m being real. I could hide behind a mask and still give the talk, but when I talk and do everything I do, I’m just me. I illustrate with personal examples. That’s why I get scared. It feels vulnerable to show myself.
The feedback warmed my heart ❤️ They shared how my voice really goes in and how authentic, geniune I came across with no agenda. It means so much to me as that’s who I am.
So if you’re stepping up, putting yourself out there and it feels scary and vulnerable, shine even brighter!
Don’t have it any other way .