
Last weekend I went to a 2.5 day dance immersion. 


I feel like I’m adjusting to a new level this week. I’ve had the integration flu which happens to me when I go through intense emotional releases 😃 They last 1-2 days then I feel great. They happen after full on breathwork journeys I go through but I never had it with dancing.


I’m reading a book called Medicine Dance which I highly recommend. It is a journey of a woman healing her cancer through shamanic healing, sweat lodges, dance fasts etc. 


It talks about how in indigenous cultures, dance is not a performance, it’s a deep meditation for the dancer. Rhythm and movement are repetitive to go into trance. The dance is not about the form or choreography. It includes everyone from all ages and there is no audience. This is what all conscious dance practices are about, 5rhythms, movement medicine, ecstatic dance, biodanza etc.


During the weekend, I witnessed this. I witnessed the beauty of truly seeing someone deep in connection with themselves. I witnessed people finding God and in that finding themselves. I saw Gods and Goddesses in human form.


I connected with pure unconditional love, giving for the sake of giving, loving for the sale of loving without wanting anything in return. 


I welcomed all emotions with open arms. Especially sadness and grief. I always face outwards in those vulnerable dancing moments so no one can see my face. This time I brought all of me in facing the middle.


I saw how burdens can be magical gifts that connects people together.


On my way to the 6 hours dance ceremony on Sunday, I was funnily enough, reading in the book the bit about their dance ceremony which was a bit more hardcore. I smiled and saw once again, you don’t have to go anywhere to find yourself. You don’t have to travel all around the world, go into ashrams etc. You can wake up, you can find yourself right here where you are, in a coffee shop, on tube, in a park. 


London has been the most spiritual place for me out of everywhere. I met many non-spiritual people who were more spiritual without knowing. I had many realisations on tubes and streets. I learnt the power of rituals and creating sacred spaces here.


I danced with my dad. l truly and deeply allowed myself to miss my dad. As I surrendered fully into the grief while being witnessed in my dance, I felt freedom there. 


I surrendered to my body and my emotions taking me to places I never knew existed. As I was witnessed, I went into a level of feeling I can’t go on my own. I changed on a deep level.


I saw once again, the power of many hearts coming together. We’re different in our unique dances but also the same in many ways. We can’t do it all alone, we need one another. Like Ram Dass said, “We’re all walking each other home.” 🤗


Thank you Morag Donnelly and Maria Papadimitriou for a beautiful and abundant altar ❤️


Thank you Christian de Sousa and the team for your love, presence and the magic you held 😍


Thank you everyone who were there, it was out of this world 🙏🏼


I love you 💛
