
Taking action and allowing are two essential parts of creating.


🔥 You might feel you need to be pushing, taking actions and hustling forward constantly. This is partly true. You do need to take action when necessary. The problem is when you don’t trust the universe that it will bring you what you desire, your Ego might want to push even further to overcompensate your disbelief that you can create what you want.


💫 The second part is when you’re in a more receiving energy, when you’re allowing. Imagine someone gave you a compliment, allowing is the part where you say “thank you” and let it sink in. It’s the part of you that receives help so imagine an outward energy is coming inwards. You’re allowing.


So how do you allow?


You take the action that is true to take. Then you stop. You absolutely stop, stop even focusing on it. Leave it alone. Do something else you love. See your friends, go for a walk in nature, write etc. Let go of the need to know and control and allow your energy and the universe do its magic. This will give space for it to flourish and grow. 


When you do cook paella, you leave the rice alone to cook, rather than stirring or poking it. Or when the photos from your phone are uploading to your laptop, rather than staring at it getting agitated, you leave it and go check the paella 😃🍚 Same thing.


I came down to Brighton yesterday to see my friend Duke after not seeing him for around a year. I remember thinking, “Are you crazy? You have a week left for the online course, you need to work on it, so much to do etc.” But it felt true and so good to go down there. I really missed him. And we also said we would work together so my Ego loved that 😃


Turns out we both needed to chill out and have some fun. So we didn’t do any work, walked alongside the beach, played arcade games, walked around Brighton, played wii, watched a movie, ate pasta and talked for ages. It left me feeling so grateful and appreciative to have him as a close friend, for all the adventures we shared and overall feeling so grateful for my life 💛


When I checked my phone in the end of yesterday, I saw 5 opportunities that came to me while I enjoyed myself and did what I love. And since coming back to London today, things kept flowing 💫 


So when that happens, my instant reaction is, “Yeah but I didn’t do anything. It just happened.” Or it’s just luck. Well, it’s not. It’s my Ego trying to trick me because I didn’t actively do anything, this makes it less legit. 


So not true. I was receiving and allowing which is AS important as taking action. David Hawkins says, feminine energy doesn’t get as much reputation as masculine energy 😃


Take action from the masculine. Do the work obviously. Then allow your feminine and the universe to bring you what you want to create. They always do 😉 And when they do, acknowledge yourself because you created that 💫


I do 1-1 sessions around this lovelies, how to create in your flow. Message me if you’re interested ✨


Have an awesome rest of the day! 


Love you 💙
