๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ SHOW ALL OF YOU ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Last weekend, I attended a movement, art and connection immersion called Ten Thousand Dances led by Morag Donnelly and Christian de Sousa


It was powerful on so many levels.


On Friday and Saturday, I was in my head quite a bit. I was struggling to get into it, dipping in and out. I was judging the whole thing and seperating myself from the experience more and more.


Saturday night, I came home and took a bath. I just chilled and oiled my whole body with love. Sunday morning, when I woke up, I knew I was creating all the seperation by focusing on it. I decided to go deep and commit to the dance.


Inevitably, it was incredibly deep that day. Looking at my reality is a big indicator of where my focus is. How I choose to show up literally creates my reality.


I give love and compassion to others so freely and I love doing that, yet I can struggle to give that to myself. I can be very hard on myself. Even turning my phone off and taking a bath the day before was something I resisted receiving for myself.


I could also appear to be confident, powerful, have it all together and got it sorted. I actually donโ€™t. Sometimes I do, sometimes I donโ€™t. Because of the impression I give out, I might look like I donโ€™t need help, but I do.


The more I get to know myself, the more I find parts I donโ€™t like. My intention for the day was to be seen, to show all of me, even the parts I donโ€™t like about myself, the parts I donโ€™t want others to find out. It was about showing these parts in the dance and have my heart break open.


Almost instantly after setting that intention, I broke into tears and cried for a good while. I was held by 3 beautiful men one after another and received all the support. 


The dance was held in a sacred space. Something beautiful happens, when you create a ritual around opening a sacred space, energy can flow in a strong container.


During the dance, there were moments where some dancers were outside in a big circle, some were in the middle. The dancers forming the circle witnessed the dancers in the middle, holding and seeing them in their dance. When someone is witnessed in a strong presence from the masculine and with the love from the feminine, transformation takes place.


As I witnessed the dancers, I saw them going deep into themselves, honestly and willingly to feel it all. They turned into Gods and Goddesses. As the music transformed, they were transformed into Divine beings out of this world. I felt incredibly blessed and honoured to witness that.


As I was witnessed in my dance, I surrendered to the dance. I let go. 


I had dances where we were warriors together at a war. I stomped my feet calling my fellow warriors to come join. They joined, supporting, holding and having each otherโ€™s back in such a certain and strong presence. 


I had dances where I was swirling in my feminine, allowing everything to move through me, letting myself to be filled with so much energy, then to be emptied of everything in complete surrender.


During the last dance, towards the end, I looked around and received how beautiful everyone looked in their own unique way as I did for myself.



The swans in the altar were on the floor on the first day. The second day they took off, just like we did, rippling out our energies like the stones ๐Ÿฆข Thank you Britta von Basedow and Matt Shearing for your hearts you bring into your art.


Thank you everyone who were there, who I shared many dances with and havenโ€™t. It was beautiful to see you in your own dance, moving with your emotions. Thank you for your energy and presence on the dancefloor โค๏ธ


Thank you Morag and Christian for weaving your magic together and offering your hearts in your teaching ๐Ÿ’›


I feel very grateful to receive and to feel alive ๐Ÿ”ฅ
