Saving someone strips them out of their power. The intention behind it could be geniune but the person might not be wanting to be saved. Maybe they just wanted to be heard and loved.


Loving someone instead of saving them could be being there for them, listening to them. It’s not about trying to make things better for them, it’s accepting and meeting them where they’re at and simply asking, “What can I do to support you?” Then trusting they will tell you what they need. If they don’t know what they need, you can support them in finding that but you can’t find that for them.
When people face a challenge they also have the ability to create resources. Even if you know from afar that they’re messing up, let them mess up. They need to go through that to learn the valuable lesson 🙏🏼
This is not only overcrossing people’s boundaries but also assuming you know what’s best for them better than them. You might also have a part of you that feels worthy and significant when you save someone. In that case, you’re taking from that person rather than giving.
If you tend to save others ✨ You can let them know you’re there for them, you love them trusting they will ask for help if they need ❤️
If you tend to expect to be saved ✨ Know that you’re a powerful being. You can go through the challenge you’re facing. You can speak your truth, set boundary, whatever you need to do. And you can ask for help ❤️
Loads of love to you 😍