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I watched the movie "The Greatest Showman" last night. I was in tears within the first 5 minutes.
It's all about being seen, dreaming big and being yourself, doing what you believe no matter what people around you tell you. It's also about breaking through the norms, letting go of what people expect from you.
You might feel like your family, society, the world have a certain expectation from you. You have to fulfill it, otherwise you can be disowned. You might not be loved and the world can feel like an unpredictable, unsafe and dangerous place.
The truth is you can create whatever you want. You don't have to settle in for less than what you want. You can have what you want and so much more. 
You can do something that has never been done before. Your dream can be something so insane, so weird, so out there. And that's amazing! Keep it that way, it doesn't have to be achievable and reasonable. 
You don't have to mold in. You don't have to follow the norm, do what everyone else is doing. You don't have to plan the next 10 years like most people do. That's a safe, limited, small way of living. You don't have to make people feel uncomfortable. I'm not saying, be a dick. But there's a middle ground where you're following your truth and you're also loving and compassionate to those who don't understand you, yet. 
If you're doing something that's not mainstream, in the beginning you might get resistance from people. Sometimes its your own worries reflected back at you, sometimes you are the reflection of people's deepest fear right in their face. Because you're showing them what they're scared to face.
When you do that thing, then they understand  😉 They might come and tell you, you made them wrong. They might not even say that, that doesn't matter. You show them your dream by making it a physical reality. 
If a guy didn't go, I want to build a vehicle that allows you to fly across continents, we wouldn't have planes today. I'm sure the inventor of planes got some hate and ridicule when they shared their dream. Those dreams made the world we have today. 
If you feel like you want to do something but scared what others might say, follow these steps:
- If you had nothing stopping you, what would you do?
- What thought comes up to stop you from doing that? (Ex: People will laugh, I can't do that etc.)
- For a moment, imagine yourself rising above from that thought, floating above it connecting to your true essence, free from everything
- What's the first step to make that a reality?
- Take that step ✨
Your creations happen as a result of you taking one step at a time. You have the power to choose what you want to do. If you do this after 6 months, you will look back and go, wow I created a whole new life.. That's what I did.
What's your wildest dream? What do you want to leave behind when you leave this world? 
Mine is connecting women to their feminine power. I want to see women speaking their truth, making their dreams come true, changing the world, doing business while being connected to their feminine side. I want to empower them to embody their sexuality and sensuality fully. I want women and men to have fun, connect, laugh, enjoy this beautiful life.. And I'd love to dance infront of thousands of people few times ☺️💛
Nothing more than hearing people's dreams excites me, would love to hear yours below or message me😍❤️
And watch Greatest Showman, its a true story, so wonderful to see more Hollywood movies becoming awakened and aware.. 

Have a gorgeous weekend, wherever you are 🙌🏼⭐️✨