balance of resting & taking action.jpg


There's this notion of you need to keep taking action to get where you want to be. 


I don't agree fully.


Yes, you need to take action. But you need to rest as well. Allowing your mind, your body, your Soul to rest and do nothing for a while.. 


If you're someone who's always getting stuff done and taking action, this can be hard sometimes. You might have thoughts like,

- 'You're not doing anything'

- 'You haven't ticked off anything from your to do list today'

- 'See I knew it, you're useless'

- 'You'll never get where you want to be'


And that's ok. It's just how your mind works, nothing wrong with that. 


If you tell your mind, your Ego that you'll rest after 2 days of getting loads done, it'll listen to you and it'll work with you rather than working against you.


The gift is, in those empty spaces, ideas will come to you. You have a void, so the nature will fill that void with new seeds, that business name or logo you were thinking about for days will come to you once you have emptiness and silence.. 


Here are few suggestions in how to rest:

- Spending time in nature for 2 days with your phone off

- Treating yourself to a massage 

- Having a bath with candles and soft music


If you're more comfortable with taking action, you can rest by doing something. You can choose an activity like yoga, walking in nature etc.




You might be someone who's more comfortable with being. Resting won't be an issue for you, taking action might be a struggle.


You might procrastinate, have excuses delaying taking action or have thoughts like:

- 'I'm flowing with life at the moment'

- 'If it's meant to be it will happen'

- 'Having my inner peace is more important than taking action and feeling nervous'


Again, there's nothing wrong with those thoughts. There's a time to listen to them and there's a time to not. If it's true for you to take action, go and do it. 


You can see if it's not meant to be after you've taken action. You'll also have more inner prace after you've taken action too.


You might have resistance to taking action, it might be 'too masculine' or 'too rigid'. Truly see if the action is leading you to where you want to go. If it does, the rest doesn't matter.


Here are few suggestions in how to take action and get stuff done:

- Sit down Sunday evening and create a calendar for the next 2 weeks. It can be on a notebook or on your laptop.

- Every day put something small that you'll do. It can be doing 10 mins breathwork every day, reading your book for 15 mins every day. Whatever it is, make sure you put it in small chunks all throughout the 2 weeks so you don't overwhelm yourself.

- As you do those every day, cross them off or highlight them. This will make you feel good πŸ˜ƒ

- In the end of 2 weeks, look back at your schedule. See how you feel and see if there is any changes in your energy levels.


By taking a small action every day, even in 2 weeks you can see a big change and that way you'll prove your Ego, taking action can be good and fun too! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


What are good ways you found to rest? What made you take action easier? Would love to hear from you πŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌ


Have an awesome rest of the week 😍✨


Much looove 😘
