(TURKCE asagida 👇🏼)


This is my dear friend Maya Başdal ❤️


We studied architecture together. We were housemates. We ran together. We watched lots of Friends. We cried and laughed together. After graduating, she went back to Istanbul from Oxford, I moved to London.


I love seeing her every time I go back to Istanbul. Few weeks ago when I was in Turkey, we caught up, she thanked me for creating the running group in Oxford years ago which is how she started running. I totally forgot about this. You never know the impact you have on someone until they share ❤️


She shared how she loves my posts. The way she described them I felt she really got them, the structure I write them in and why I do that. Then she said if I ever needed them to be translated, she would love to do it. 


I looked at her and I actually started crying ✨ Coming from someone I love so much, knowing how she loves and benefits the posts, she has a brilliant mind and love for details, she connects the dots amazingly... I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to do this 🙏🏼


I have been asked quite a lot to translate my posts in the last two years. The truth is my priority and love is more on creating the time to writing them rather than translating. So I let go of the need to know and just trusted it will somehow come about.


SO now, Maya will be translating the longer posts I’ve been writing starting from back in 2017 🙂 


They will be on the blog in a seperate section on my website 👇🏼 There are two posts up there already, have a look 🥰




I will also comment the link in the original English post on Facebook.


This is what I came up with as I don’t want to spam you English speakers with a language you don’t understand 😃


I mean, I don’t know what I’m doing. This is yet another experiment. I hope it works. I never saw anyone successfully share in two languages and I want to do that. So I’m going to give it a go as I’m part of both worlds and I’d love to share in both languages.


Thank you for giving the time to read what I write, I appreciate your time more than anything 🙌🏼


I love you 💛







Bu benim canim arkadasim Maya ❤️


Beraber mimarlik okuduk. Ayni evde yasadik. Sabahlari beraber kostuk. Friends dizisini bol bol izledik. Beraber gulduk ve agladik. Mezun olduktan sonra, Maya Oxford’dan Istanbul’a dondu, ben de Londra’ya tasindim.


Istanbul’a her gittigimde Maya’yi gorurum. Birkac hafta once ben Turkiye’deyken bulustuk. Oxford’daki kosu grubunu kurdugum icin bana tesekkur etti. O grup sayesinde kosuya baslamisti ve ben bunu tamamen unutmusum. Birinin uzerinde biraktiginiz etkiyi onlar paylasmadan bilemezsiniz ❤️


Paylastigim yazilarimi ne kadar sevdigini soyledi. Anlattiklarindan yazdiklarimi, yazma seklimi ve niye oyle yazmayi sectigimi gercekten anladigini hissettim. Sonra eger cevrilmelerini istersem seve seve yapabilecegini soyledi.


Ona baktim ve agladim resmen ✨ Bu kadar sevdigim yakinimdan gelmesi, bu insanin yazilarimi faydali bulmasi, inanilmaz zeki olmasi, detaylari sevmesi ve noktalari birlestirme sekli... Daha uygun biri isteyemezdim bunun icin 🙏🏼


Son iki yilda yazilarimin cevrilmesi cok istendi. Isin gercegi, benim onceligim ve sevdigim sey, cevirmek yerine yazilari yazmak icin olan zamani yaratmak. Nasil yapacagim’i birakip, bir sekilde olacagina inanip birakmistim.


VE simdi, Maya 2017’den beri yazdigim daha uzun olan yazilari cevirecek 🙂


Sitemde ayri bir blog sayfasinda olacaklar 👇🏼Su an iki yazi Turkce blogda var, gidip bakabilirsiniz 🥰




Yazilarin Ingilizce asillarinin altina da cevirdikce yorum olarak koyacagim.


Tam olarak ne yaptigimdan emin degilim. Deneme yanilmayla bir deney gibi bu. Umarim ise yarar. Sosyal medyada kimsenin iki dille basarili bir sekilde paylastigini gormedim ve benim yapmak istedigim bu. Iki dunyaya da aidim ve icimden gelen iki dilde de paylasmak.


Yazdiklarimi okumak icin ayirdiginiz zaman icin cok tesekkur ederim. Zamaniniza her seyden daha cok deger veriyorum 🙌🏼


Sizi seviyorum 💛


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