magic of the day trolley.jpg

I went to Sainsbury’s for shopping food the other day. I usually smile at the cashier and ask them how they are and how their day is going.


Sometimes we have beautiful chats ending up about either my hair or their children. This time I asked to a new cashier how they were. They smiled and told me not many people talk to them.
They said they loved my eyes, I told them I loved theirs too. I can tell she was a very loving, nurturing and motherly woman which showed through her eyes. I told her exactly that. She smiled with joy, even laughed a bit receiving what I said. She confirmed that she is. Then told me about her children, nieces etc while we had a queue started to grow behind us, she didn’t seem to care 😃
I told her she has so much love to give and she’s a blessing in her childrens’, nephews’ and nieces’ lives. Before I left, she asked me to spell my name on a piece of receipt. She said she’ll light a candle for me that night 😭 My heart literally melted. That night I lit a candle for her as well 🕯
If I created gratitude in someone’s life in 2 minutes to the point they’ll actually go and pray for me, that’s magic for me. It’s love, connection, purity and generosity and those things matter to me.
Even a “How’s your day going?” with presence can make such a big difference. A smile with eye contact can make someone feel appreciated, seen and heard. And as a side effect, you feel human and connected as well 😍
London can be a busy and overwhelming place where you might not seem to find time for anything. It can also be a magical place if you choose to create it ✨
When was the last time you asked a stranger about their day?
I’d love to hear if you experience those moments as well 🙏🏼
Love you ❤️