
Most of us grow up not trusting ourselves.


You might feel you don’t have it in you believing you need to look outside of yourself for answers. You might be telling yourself that there is nothing you can do. Or you might give your power away to people you see as authority feeling you don’t know.


Every time you think and focus on these thoughts, you are perpetuating the reality of you being stuck and feeling powerless to do anything. Your energy is outside of yourself.


The truth is this is your life, no one elses. You decide how you want to live it, who you want to share it with and what you want to create. It’s all up to you no matter what people say or whatever is going on around you.


There is a beautiful quote I love by Richard Bach, “You’re never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” ✨


No one can know what you need better than you. They can empower you to connect with your own answers but they can’t give you the answers.


There is nothing wrong with asking for others’ opinion. I ask for a lot of feedback, but before I ask others, I ask myself:


Is the question coming from:


- feeling powerless and feeling I don’t have what it takes?


- curiousity and desire to grow, because I’m geniunely interested in their opinion?


Notice how different they feel. They are two completely different energies, one fills you with restriction and anxiety, the other one excitement and joy 😍


I know my egoic pattern is to seek people who I see as powerful and take their opinion as the ultimate truth. Then I remind myself that it’s not the truth, it’s just another perspective. 


Next time you notice you’re giving your power away to someone or something, follow these steps:


- Close your eyes

- Take 3 deep breaths, inhale from the nose and relax your jaw, exhale from the mouth.

- What are you telling yourself? 

- How are you feeling?

- Where’s the power?

- Now imagine a golden ball of light above your head shining bright. This golden ball of light is your greatness, your power, your essence. As it descends onto your body, it touches your head. Your whole body lights up and you connect your power and truth.

- From this place, knowing you’re connected to your power and there’s nothing that can stop you from having what you want, ask yourself, “What’s the truth?” or “What’s in the highest?”

- Then ask, “What’s my next step?”

- Follow through on that ❤️


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle


Get to know yourself honestly and question the real motivation behind your actions. Then you can make a new choice that supports you owning your power.


It is a constant coming back to your power, refocusing where you want to go and feeding the energy towards what you want more of in your life 💥


Next month, I’m giving A TALK about stepping into your power and living your truth 🔥


I will share my story of how giving my power away and not trusting myself now led me to now empowering people to live their truth. 


You will receive practical tools to identify Ego from the truth so you can make an empowered choice in the moment. We will end on a meditation of stepping into our power and embodying our truth.


Jasmin Harsono will then lead a sound and energy healing session.


Emerald + Tiger presents: Breathe Love with Isik Tlabar

Crabtree and Evelyn, Islington Townhouse

21st November Thursday




All the tickets are in the link below ✨ 




It’s for everyone, not just for women. Come join 🔥


See you there 😍


