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Here is the last post from the makeup, body hair etc I’ve been writing about in the last few days ❤️ 


Ever since I’ve grown breasts up until two years ago, I was wearing bras every day. I was wearing those underwired ones, the ones that make you feel like you’ve just stepped into a heaven when you take them off. So I started thinking “It’s super comfortable to have these off, why am I not having them off completely?” I stopped wearing them for a while just to try it out. And I ended up not wearing them for a whole year.
When you feel self-conscious about how you look, people look at you as if they read your mind 😃 When you don’t feel self-conscious, people just mind their own business. So in the beginning, I was super conscious of people seeing my nipples as if they’re things you should hide while everyone pretends they doesn’t exist. Over time, I relaxed into it. The more women do it, the more it becomes a normal thing as well.
There is also a sexualisation of women and their breasts. Yes, they’re sensual, beautiful and sexy but they’re also nurturers of new life, they feed babies and they are part of a women’s body. They’re actually functional too.
Later on I found out wearing a bra doesn’t actually prevent your breasts from sagging. On the contrary, that underwire in the bra weakens the supporive tissue by stopping the blood flow. When I found this out, I went, “Fuck this, I’m not wearing those underwires again.” (unless its an irresistably sexy one 🍒)
Here’s the article if you want to read other myths about breasts sagging - https://www.health.com/breast-ca…/what-causes-breasts-to-sag
Another thing that happened to my breasts over the last year was, they grew in size! There’s something about your breasts also being around your heart centre. When you fully receive love and you feel loved, your breasts grow. I don’t know if there is a scientific explanation to this but this is what happened to me and if it happened to me, I’m pretty sure it can happen to other women too.
Now I got rid of all my underwired bras and I only wear bralettes some days when I go dancing etc. They can be super sexy and my God, they’re comfortable!
Whether you have a partner or not, give love to your breasts. Close your eyes and caress them in a way you’d love to receive touch to your breasts. Don’t wait until someone comes in and shows then love while you don’t do that for yourself 😍
How’s your journey been with your bras and breasts? 🌹
Feel free to share this 😘
Loads of love to you 👙❤️
🎨 by @tinamariaelena